A Message from Epsten Group’s Architecture Department

As Epsten Group’s Architecture Team reflects on 2023 and looks optimistically into the new year, we feel grateful for how far we’ve come since our founding in 1991 and excited for what the future holds. 2023 was a year of progress, change, and occasional unexpected challenges that provided our department with a unique opportunity to continue growing at the precipice of innovation in sustainable design.

When we began our work over three decades ago on sustainable designs that centered warm, resilient, and adaptive spaces, there weren’t many firms in the industry doing the same things. We embraced that this created a large teaching component to our design work: a primary part of our client connections focused on promoting the benefits of sustainability, explaining how these new processes worked, and learning alongside our clients about how this transformed and improved their spaces.  Today, that foundation of innovative hard work and dedication to education allows us to work with clients and teams that choose us because of our core sustainable practices.

While technologies, methodologies, access to renewables and unique materials, and more have changed and improved rapidly since we began our work, the principles around which we center the use of these new innovations has remained largely the same. We are committed to creating design-focused solutions for sustainable, resilient, and innovative buildings that enhance the lives of their users and surrounding communities. At the heart of these solutions is our dedication to capturing the character and vibrancy of our clients’ brands and visions, alongside our constant focus on collaboration, innovation, and social responsibility.

We feel immensely grateful to work with clients that hold sustainability as their top priority— the same way we have for 32 years.  Each client we work with provides us with a new opportunity to apply our team’s vast amount of specialized knowledge from storied careers across dozens of project types to create individualized, forward-thinking solutions for each unique space.

The Epsten Group design team is grateful for the clients who have continued to trust us, as well as the new partnerships we have formed throughout 2023. We can’t wait to see what’s next.

To work with us in 2024 and beyond, reach out to us here.

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