WELL Building Consulting

The WELL Building Standard® is the first performance-based rating system to focus exclusively on measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellness. WELL v2™ consolidates previous iterations and pilots into a more flexible and inclusive rating system for all project types.

Our data-driven and methodical approach allows our WELL Consultants to provide the best strategy for determining and achieving WELL v2 certification for your organization.

Wellness office
  • Our Process

    Our WELL Consultants first evaluate any schematic design documentation and policy documentation to develop the best strategy toward achieving WELL v2 certification. The features included in the overall WELL objectives for any project are based on our client’s budget and goals, workplace culture, project type, and the certification level being pursued. Our goal is to add value to space design, behavior modification, and organizational process; we are not point-driven unless points are your goal. We meet with multiple stakeholders throughout the process to aid our clients through the entire certification process acting as one cohesive team.

  • Our Value

    Our WELL Consultants know exactly what documentation is necessary to demonstrate compliance through our many years of experience as third-party verifiers. Our knowledge allows us to weed out unnecessary items and oversee administration to save you valuable time and money. Furthermore, WELL is a performance-based rating system that requires recertification. We are not just here to help you strategize; we go above and beyond to ensure that on-site testing and recertification are a breeze. The entire team will need to work as an integrated system for this certification – engaging with us as consultants allows us to do the heavy-lifting while removing that burden from the rest of the team.

WELL Health-Safety Rating

Our WELL Consultants stay at the forefront of all rating systems and technologies, allowing us to help guide our clients to make the most informed decisions. The new WELL Health-Safety Rating for Facility Operations and Management is an evidence-based, third-party verified rating system for all facility types in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The WELL Health-Safety Rating guides owners and operators in preparing any space for a safe re-entry that facilitates a healthy and safe space for all building occupants. It is our belief that places matter, and with the help of the International WELL Building Institute’s COVID-19 response team, our WELL Consultants can help guide our clients through a validated update on processes that address critical health-safety issues.

Want to Learn More About Our WELL Building Consultants ?
