Georgia Tech, Ramblin’ Reck Garage

Project Description

The Ramblin’ Reck Garage is the new construction of a garage to house Georgia Tech’s “Ramblin’ Wreck” mascot. The Project is roughly 1,000 square feet and includes three bays within a single story. The windows are coated with a thermally efficient low-e coating that reduces heat loss in the winter and keeps the garage cool throughout the summer months. Thirty 400-watt solar panels installed on the roof allow the garage to generate its own energy. The project is seeking LEED Platinum Certification under the LEED v4 Rating System, with v4.1 substitutions where applicable.

Sustainable Certifications

  • LEED Platinum
Project Details

Atlanta, GA

Dates of Service:
2021- 2023

1,000 SF

Services Performed

Building Envelope Commissioning Services, LEED Consulting, LEED Zero Energy Consulting, ILFI Zero Energy Consulting

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