Mar Goldstone Shines as our Senior Commissioning Project Manager

Mar Goldstone, our Senior Commissioning Project Manager, has been an integral part of the Epsten Group team for nearly 4 years. Her career began in the United States Armed Forces, where she dedicated eight of selfless service abroad. After returning stateside, Mar began working in the field of building automation controls, working on a vast array of varying projects she describes as an “all-you-can-eat buffet of knowledge,” ranging from high containment laboratories, to HVAC refrigeration projects, to a multitude of projects in between.

For years, Mar worked diligently on projects to program logic controllers on major mechanical equipment, run electrical conduit, install and program fire alarm and access systems, and dozens of other complex mechanisms. After ten years of preparing projects for other commissioning agents, Mar decided to become one herself, and joined us at Epsten.

For many, commissioning can be a complex and mystifying concept, but Mar succinctly describes the value and process:

“Ever been in a hot, muggy building that smelled like mildew? Ever been in a building and noticed brown, water-stained ceiling tiles? In many cases, this is caused by a poorly maintained building HVAC system or building envelope. We assist building owners with troubleshooting and correcting these .” Mar is an expert at identifying a building’s mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems’ issues and proposing practical solutions.

Mar has also been invaluable in Epsten’s ongoing work with a confidential automotive client, which she reports has been one of her favorite projects to work on in her time with us. She’s grateful to work with a “high-profile client” that has allowed her to “meet and work closely with other great commissioning agents.”

Mar is as exceptional in her free time as she is during business hours. When she’s not at work, she can be found undertaking any project that involves her two favorite things: “fixing stuff and any DIY project.” To her, sustainability means “ditching plastic; single-use plastic is not allowed in my home. Saving glass food jars to store leftovers in, washing dishes to avoid plastic dishware” and more are actionable ways she extends her positive impact from her work into her day-to-day life.

We’re grateful for Mar’s ongoing commitment to excellent work here at her “Epsten home” as well as her radiating positivity and good humor that brighten any room she’s in.  If you stop by our office to join us for a complimentary tour, you might see Mar on a rare time she’s not at the client’s site getting her steps in, walking laps around the office as she takes in the views of downtown Atlanta.

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